Tech Talk

My principal camera is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200, with a little Sony RX100 II point-and-shoot in my shirt pocket for emergencies. I stay with fixed-lens, so-called "bridge" cameras because they give me the control I require while delivering a welcomed freedom from the weight and bulkiness of larger SLR cameras and their many heavy lenses. I travel light without benefit of tripod, lighting, or other encumbering paraphernalia.
I print, mat, and frame all my photographs personally using pro-fessional-quality archival materials to assure them durability and a dependable, fade-resistant life. They are printed on an Epson Stylus R3000 printer with Epson #157 pigment inks, using (primarily) Epson Ultra Premium Presentation matte paper. Mat board is museum-quality, 4-ply, acid-free Bainbridge Alphamat vellum, backed by acid-free 3/16" Artcare foamboard. Frames are Nielsen-Bainbridge matte black extruded aluminum. Other frame styles or colors are available upon request.

The photographs in the Nature Closeup series,(plus a few others), are framed either 17x27 (left) or 13x23 (above), keeping the image size the same. Others ar framed 16x20, 11x17, or 12x12 depending on format. All can be made available matted without frame, or simply as a print. I’ll be glad to hear from you if you find any photographs on this site that you’d like to own.
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